The CRISTAL Project
European Commission is funding the Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable transport infrastructure, with a focus on inland waterways – CRISTAL Project.
The CRISTAL project focuses on the development of inland waterway transport (IWT) and its infrastructure. The crucial aim of the project is to create an innovative technology for monitoring and digitization of transport chains, indicating the direction of further development of business and management models that include river transport in multimodal chains.
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CRISTAL focuses on smaller and commercially undeveloped feedwater routes. They are key to expanding Europe’s waterway system.
CRISTAL in brief
Cristal Project Kick off Meeting
Cristal KoM was held on 11-12 October 2022 in Sopot, Poland, hosted by project partner University of Gdańsk at Faculty of Economics.
The two day meeting was attended by 44 participants both on site and also via on-line teams connections. Partners got familiarize with CRISTAL’s vision and objectives, focus areas, management, administrative and financial processes, along with the envisioned dissemination and capacity building approach.
Two key work streams have been identified covering primary specifications, requirements, KPIs, and stakeholders analysis as well as the generation of the project’s key technology assets that will compose Synchro-modal Network Transport Management System. Apart from in-depth elaboration on the goals, scope of work and timeline of each Work Package and Pilot cases, attendees had also the chance to understand their contractual obligations as imposed by the Grant Agreement and the Dissemination Guidelines, along with the Management and Quality Assurance mechanisms.